
Web Developer • Boise, Idaho

About Me

What I Do



Contact Me

Nice to meet you!
My name is Will.

About Me

I am a web developer living in Boise, Idaho. I design, build, and optimize websites, sales funnels, and e-commerce storefronts for businesses. With 2 years of professional experience as well as programming since I was 12, I am a professional of multiple disciplines inside and outside of development.

I firmly believe being a successful programmer and professional revolve around mindset and attitude and not just what you know. I am driven by curiosity and achieving difficult goals. In order to get there, I work every day to become a better version of myself by expanding my skills as well as gaining new perspectives from others by discussing, debating, and sharing ideas.

Favorite Hobbies

Making Video Games

Downhill Skiing

Wrenching On Cars

Dungeons & Dragons

Favorite Video Games



Planetside 2

Civilization 5

What I Do

E-Commerce & Funnels

Creating e-commerce storefronts using Shopify, Wordpress, ClickFunnels or more robust solutions such as the NodeJS framework or native HTML/CSS/JS.

I can build all websites from scratch or touch-up your existing websites and funnels, or fix an annoying issue that has been plaguing your website.

Informational Websites

Often called a digital business card, having an informational website can be a fantastic way for individuals to express their skills and experience or for businesses to advertise to potential clients.

I build these websites with securing the customer or client in mind, designing all visual workflows and information to direct customers to your business as effectively as possible.

Technical Solutions

Connecting tools to your website, payment processing, implementing third-party or custom tracking solutions, as well as analyzing data and using API's.

The range of API connections and setups are vast and can be a difficult puzzle to solve. Whether it's migrating existing services, adding new third-party tools, or troubleshooting existing connections, I can do it all!

Wanting to understand more of what services I provide? Go to the contact section for next steps.


Coding Abilities

Languages I Know:

HTML, CSS, SCSS, JS, TS, C#, C, PHP, Java, Python, Git

Libraries & Frameworks:

  • NodeJS
  • ReactJS
  • NextJS
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • Bootstrap
  • Terminal
  • GitHub


Sales Platforms:

Clickbank, Digistore24, Buygoods, Shopify, Wordpress, Square

Logistics & Email:

3PL Central, Extensiv, Sendlane, Konnektive, Maropost

Tools I Use:

GA3, GA4, Voluum, CBSplit, Figma

Things I Do:

  • Build Funnels & Storefronts
  • Track & Analyze User Data
  • Tool & API Connections

Game Dev

Tools I Use:

Unity, VSCode, Photoshop, Aseprite, Bosca Ceoil

Things I Do:

  • 2D & 3D
  • Physics
  • Shaders
  • GUI's
  • Pixel Art
  • State Machines
  • Pathfinding
  • Level Design
  • Game Balance
  • ...and much more

Relevant Skills


Skype, Slack, Discord, Zoom, MS Teams, Google Meet


Trello, Asana, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Photoshop, Premiere

Other Stuff:

  • Great English Skills
  • 2 Years of Sales Experience
  • Linux, Servers, & VPS
  • Writing SOP's & Guidelines
  • Writing Documentation

I can do all of the above to an intermediate to advanced level. I have an "I can figure it out!" attitude for learning unfamiliar technology and tools and I am constantly building and reinforcing my knowledge and experience. There is more I have messed around with before, but I cannot do it at a level that I could say, "oh yeah, I know that, let's put it on this list." Humility and honesty, folks!


Let's work together to build your next

Feel free to reach out if you want to discuss opportunities, need consulting, have questions, or looking to network. I will get back to you as soon as I am available.